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Fu Baoshi was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. In 1921, he was promoted to the provincial first normal university without examination. At that time, he began to read some of the ancient painting history and painting theory, especially when he saw Shi Tao's idea of "I use my method", he appreciated Shi Tao's idea of "searching all the strange peaks to make a draft". In March 1933, Fu Baoshi went to Japan and joined the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts in Tokyo, where he was taught by the art historian keigo kanahara. In May 1935, the exhibition of Fu Baoshi's Chinese painting was held in Tokyo. President naohiko Masaki and painter Hengshan Grand View visited the exhibition. In June 1935, Fu Baoshi returned home due to his mother's illness. In July 1936, he held a personal painting exhibition in Nanchang, which was his first personal painting exhibition in China. After the summer vacation, he was employed by Xu Beihong to teach in the Art Department of Nanjing Central University. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese war in 1937, he returned to Xinyu's hometown with his family. In April 1938, at the invitation of Guo Moruo, he went to Wuhan to participate in the work of santing. After that, he moved to Chongqing and entered a peak period of his artistic creation. He lives in jingangpo, Shapingba. Since then, he often inscribed "jingangpo Xiazhai" on his paintings. He drew the scroll of painting Yuntai Mountain, compiled the chronicle of Shitao Shangren, and created the portrait of Shitao Shangren and the painting of Dadi Caotang. All these reflect the relationship between Fu Baoshi's artistic creation and historical research, as well as his artistic origin.

Mr. Wang is thinking

In more than six years after 1939, Fu Baoshi, on the one hand, entered the peak of his historical research, on the other hand, completed his transition from seal cutting and historical research to painting creation. In October 1942, Professor Fu Baoshi's painting exhibition was held in Chongqing. In September 1944, Fu Baoshi created the famous work "beauty walk" with Du Fu's Yuefu poem "beauty walk" (sold by Jiade international auction company for 10.78 million yuan in 1997). Later, Xu Beihong praised his painting: "this is a great symphony of sound, color, soul and flesh", and wrote: "Mr. Baoshi '

After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, he and his family moved back to Nanjing with the school. In October 1947, Professor Fu Baoshi's painting exhibition was held in Shanghai, and Guo Moruo evaluated the exhibition with "full immersion" and "full of charm". At that time, however, Nanjing was in a state of panic. Taking advantage of the opportunity to evacuate the population, Fu Baoshi left Nanjing with his family and returned to Nanchang. After the founding of new China, modern Chinese history has entered a new era. Fu Baoshi began to welcome a new life full of hope.

Fu Baoshi, as the president of Jiangsu traditional Chinese Painting Academy, led the "Jiangsu traditional Chinese painting working group" to sketch for 23000 miles in September 1960, which promoted the development of new landscape painting in the mid-20th century and pushed the movement of drawing from life to push traditional Chinese painting to a historical climax. Later, Fu Baoshi's social theme represented by the magnificent coal city and his efforts in the integration of landscape and industrial themes have indicated that modern landscape painting is in line with the trend of the times; The natural theme represented by Jingbo Feiquan is the shock and reflection of the northern landscape in Fu Baoshi's mind. He died in 1965.

Fu Baoshi was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and his ancestral home is Xinyu, Jiangxi Province. He was an apprentice in a porcelain shop at the age of 11 and taught himself calligraphy, seal cutting and painting. In 1925, he wrote an overview of the origin and development of traditional Chinese painting. In 1926, he graduated from the Art Department of the provincial first normal university and stayed in school to teach. In 1929, he wrote an outline of the changes of Chinese painting. In 1933, with the help of Xu Beihong, he went to Japan to study. In 1934, he held a personal painting exhibition in Tokyo. He returned to China in 1935 and taught in the Art Department of Central University. During the Anti Japanese War, he settled in Chongqing and continued to teach in Central University. He moved to Nanjing in 1946.

After the founding of new China, he was vice chairman of China Artists Association, chairman of Jiangsu Branch of China Artists Association, and vice chairman of Jiangsu calligraphy and seal Research Association. Vice president of China Artists Association, chairman of Jiangsu Branch of China Artists Association, vice president of Jiangsu calligraphy and seal Research Association. He was elected deputy to the third National People's Congress and member of the second CPPCC National Committee. In 1952, he was a professor of Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Normal University. In 1957, he was the president of Jiangsu Academy of Chinese painting.


This portrait of ladies has both the style and aesthetic feeling of Wei, Jin and Tang Dynasties. The strokes and lines are light and flexible. They learn from the ancients but not go back to the ancients. The woman in the picture is graceful, elegant and full of ancient flavor; Her face was slightly powdered, charming but not vulgar; The eyes are full of emotion and trance; The bun has been rendered many times, which is black without knot and rich in layers; The pattern is light and stretch, and the color is clean and elegant. The work is crisp, elegant and vivid, with a few strokes of magic and far-reaching interest, showing unique artistic techniques.


Compared with Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong and Li Keran, the number of Fu Baoshi's works over 100 million yuan is small, but in the past decade, the number of Fu Baoshi's works with 10 million yuan has been considerable. Since 2004, nearly 200 pieces of Fu Baoshi's works have been sold at a high price of 10 million yuan in the auction market. In 2016 alone, 27 pieces of Fu Baoshi's works were sold at a high price of 10 million yuan. Fu Baoshi's calligraphy and painting works have sufficient potential for auction, and the market is stable and rising.

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