【勇担国际传播使命 讲好中国故事】—— 徐子屏!
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Xu Ziping, born and raised in Shanghai, moved to Shenzhen from Shanghai in 1984. The bookstore is named Jingyuan thatched cottage (inscribed by Mr. Zhou Gucheng, then vice chairman of the National People's Congress, in January 1984). He has successively served as director of Shenzhen higher education self-study examination office, deputy director of Shenzhen enrollment examination office, and researcher of vocational education and Adult Education Department of Shenzhen Education Bureau.



I have loved painting and calligraphy since childhood, and have studied stele calligraphy and seal cutting for many years. He studied under Shen Yinmo, Ren Zheng, Qian Juntao, Liu Youshi and other famous calligraphers and Seal Engravers, including Gong seal, Li, Xing and Kai. The book is vigorous, clear and meaningful, with mellow charm, stable and healthy seal cutting and mellow and elegant flavor. Calligraphy and seal cutting works were selected into the first national seal cutting works evaluation exhibition, the national seal cutting joint exhibition of seal printing society, the first Chinese calligraphy and painting seal cutting competition at home and abroad, the international exhibition of broken body calligraphy, the Chinese seal book, the ink of famous Chinese contemporary calligraphers, the national selection of contemporary calligraphy and painting of China, and the selected works of Chinese calligraphy from 1978 to 1998 Japan's "Shudao" magazine, the overseas edition of the people's Daily "Chinese art masters" column and so on. The biography has been included: the Great Dictionary of contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and painters, the dictionary of contemporary young calligraphers, the Great Dictionary of contemporary Seal Engravers, the Great Dictionary of contemporary calligraphy and painting seal engravers, the Great Dictionary of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters, and so on. In the evaluation of the 10th anniversary of the founding of Chinese calligraphy and painting correspondence university, he was rated as an excellent teacher of Chinese calligraphy and painting correspondence university.


2003年获“海峡两岸德艺双馨艺术家”荣誉称号。2004年被当代中国书画名家精典评委会、中国书画名家纲评为中国著名金奖艺术家。2005年7月中国书画家联谊会、中国书画名家作品2005金秋国际展组委会授予“百名中国书画名家” 荣誉称号。2005年12月被中国收藏学术研究会、世界文化艺术鉴定中心授予《当代中国书画收藏市场最具收藏价值艺术家>荣誉称号。

In 2003, he won the honorary title of "virtuous and artistic artist on both sides of the Taiwan Strait". In 2004, he was rated as a famous Chinese Gold Award artist by the elite jury of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy masters and the outline of Chinese painting and calligraphy masters. In July 2005, the association of Chinese Calligraphers and painters and the Organizing Committee of the 2005 Golden Autumn International Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphers and painters awarded the honorary title of "100 Chinese Calligraphers and painters". In December 2005, he was awarded the honorary title of "most valuable artist in Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting collection market" by China collection academic research association and world culture and art appraisal center.


任职 中国艺术促进会常务理事、中国书画研究院理事、东方艺术研究院教授、世界艺术家协会理事、中国书画名家网艺委会副主席、中国书画印研究院常务理事、中国书法美术家协会理事、中国名家书画院名誉院长、中国书法研究院艺术委员会委员、中国书法教育研究会会员、中国书画家协会会员、中国书法家协会广东分会会员、广东省艺坛书画院副院长、深圳书画艺术学院教授、深圳原创艺术协会常务副主席、深圳市篆刻研究会副会长、深圳市书法教育研究会理事。 《新文艺》杂志编委。 

He has served as executive director of China Art Promotion Association, director of China calligraphy and Painting Research Institute, Professor of Oriental Art Research Institute, director of World Artists Association, vice chairman of Art Committee of China calligraphy and painting masters network, executive director of China calligraphy, painting and printing Research Institute, director of China calligraphy artists Association, honorary president of China Masters calligraphy and Painting Institute, member of Art Committee of China Calligraphy Research Institute Member of China Calligraphy Education Research Association, member of China Calligraphers and Painters Association, member of Guangdong Branch of China Calligraphers Association, vice president of Guangdong Art Academy of calligraphy and painting, Professor of Shenzhen Academy of calligraphy and painting art, executive vice president of Shenzhen Original Art Association, vice president of Shenzhen seal cutting Research Association and director of Shenzhen Calligraphy Education Research Association《 Editorial board member of new literature and art magazine.


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